Civil War Photographs

Ulrich Dahlgren
Capt., ADC, U.S. Volunteers,
Colonel, U.S. Volunteers.

Son of Admiral John Dahlgren, Capt. Dahlgren was on Meade's staff at Gettysburg.  In the aftermath of that battle, a wound in the foot received at Boonesboro, Maryland resulted in amputation of the leg.  After healing and a promotion, the one-legged Colonel took part in the ill-fated Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid, an effort that had hoped to free Union POWs in Richmond but became a fiasco resulting in the death of Col. Dahlgren and others.  There is a Lincoln assassination conspiracy theory tied to papers purported to have been found on the deceased Dahlgren concerning Union plans to kill President Jefferson Davis. Carte de visite dated 1865 in the imprint, by Henry Ulke who coincidently was a boarder in the Petersen House across the street from Ford's Theater when the wounded President was taken after being shot...
Price:  $350.

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